I spent the first 4 years of my career working in the telecommunications industry as finance manager. Within finance, I worked in the treasury, external reporting where I co-wrote several 10Qs, in the Consumer Unit where I helped roll out a CRM/Profitability tool and in the CAPEX team where I prioritized investments based on financial and strategic criteria. I spent one summer at McKinsey & Company where I worked in two telecommunication engagements. The first was with a wireless carrier in Venezuela where I assessed the demand for new features and plans. The second was a wireline carrier in Colombia where I evaluated and recommended changes to their provisioning and customer care operations as they were adding DSL to their product portfolio. Finally, with IBM, I've spent 2 years working as a Market Insights analyst in the IT industry, initially analyzing the storage and server markets, and currently as lead market analyst across all brands and products for the Latin American market. In this capacity, I am responsible for market share reporting and evaluating emerging market opportunities based on trends and analysis.
MBA , Business
Class of 2007